
How do waitlists work?
From the time registration started until when registration ended, your students were able to add themselves into your course.  If your course was full, and was open for a waitlist, then the student could add themselves to your waitlist.  If a student registered in your course dropped then an email was automatically sent to the first student on your waitlist giving them 24 hours to enroll.  If the student didn’t enroll in 24 hours then an email would be sent to the next person on the list.  If you saw open seats in your course and a full waitlist it meant that emails were sent to the students on the waitlist and it was holding those spots for those students.

After classes begin the only way your students can register in your course is if you give them an “authorization code.”  You can print auth codes to give to your students from within WebSMART.

How do I email students on my waitlist?

1)   Login to WebSMART

2)   Click the “Faculty” tab

3)   Scroll down to the very bottom and select “All Class List Download”

4)   Check the boxes “Include CRN”  “Include Course Title” “Include students who are not registered” and “Include Student’s email address”

5) You will get an excel file that you can sort by “CRN” and “waitlisted”.