
Accessing Your SMCCD OneDrive

Written by John Winchester on July 31, 2014

A.  Using a web browser from anywhere (IE 10 recommended):

  1. Go to our website (no www.)
  2. Log in with your account
  3. Click the grid in the upper left hand corner
  4. Click “OneDrive” from the App list that opens up


B.  Installing OneDrive on your Windows PC with Office 2013

  1. Click the ‘Start’ icon
  2. Click on to All Programs then select Microsoft Office 2013
  3. Click to launch ‘OneDrive for Business’
  4. A OneDrive@SMCCD folder will be added to your favorites in File Explorer.

File Explorer Icon

C.  Mobile with your Android or iOS device:


  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your account information

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your account information

QR Code

You can view the full version of this tutorial here.