Campus WiFi Access Instructions
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This instruction will guide you through connecting to the FacStaff and SMCCCD_Public SSID WiFi networks.
Click the following link for the device you are connecting:
Go to the Wi-Fi setting and click the “FacStaff”

Under the “Identity”, put your username (eg. jdoe) and password. Then click “CA certificate”

Under the “CA certificate”, choose “Don’t validate”

Then, choose the “Connect” button

Then you should see “FacStaff” is connected

Go to the Wi-Fi setting and click the “FacStaff”

Under “Username”, put your username (eg. jdoe) and password. Then click “Join” button.

The “Certificate” will prompt, then click “Trust” button

You should see “FacStaff” is connected.

Mac Devices
Go to your Wi-Fi settings and click “FacStaff”

Under the “Account name”, put your username (eg. jdoe) and password. Then click “OK” button.

The “Verify Certificate” will prompt, then click “Continue” button.

You should see “FacStaff” is connected

Windows Devices
Go to your Wi-Fi setting and click “FacStaff”, then click “Connect” button

Under the “Username” field, put your username (eg. jdoe) and password. Then click “OK” button.

Click the “Connect” button.

You should see “FacStaff” is connected.

Go to the Wi-Fi setting and click the “SMCCCD_Public”, then click “Connect” button.

Under “Your Name” and “Email Address”, put your Full Name and email address. Then click “I accept the terms of use” checkbox and click “Login” button.

After a 5 second countdown, it will redirect to college website

“SMCCCD_Public” Wifi should now be connected