FAQs Posts
This web page contains all posts from the Information Technology Services (ITS) blog that have been tagged as "FAQs" from all users.
Zoom FAQ: Securing Virtual Classrooms
What is Zoom Bombing? Bombing refers to the unwanted, disruptive intrusion, generally by internet trolls and hackers into a video conference/meeting. In a typical Zoom-bombing incident, a teleconferencing session/meeting is hijacked by the insertion of materials that are lewd, obscene, racist, or antisemitic in nature, typically resulting of the shutdown of the session How do you prevent zoom bombing…
Mitel Phones – How to transfer a phone call
Below are the directions to transfer a call (blind transfer). First you have to have an active call. If you want to “announce the call” do not press the transfer key a second time (step 4) until after you’ve announce the call to part you’re transferring to. Attached is the quick reference guide for your…
Mitel Desk Phone Quick Reference Guide
With our Mitel phone system when calling a non-District phone number using a Mitel desktop phone users are now required to first dial 9 (to get an outside line), then 1+Area Code+Phone number when making calls anywhere in the USA, this includes FAX lines, call forwarding, speed dials, etc. Example: 91xxx-xxx-xxxx
Mitel NuPoint Voicemail Instructions
Voicemail setup instructions Hello <name>, your new number is 650-<xxx-xxxx> Your extension number is <xxxx> Temporary passcode is <> Please read the instructions below before attempting to set up your voicemail box. Please record a greeting so callers know that it’s truly your voicemail box they’ve reached. There are important notes and user options toward…
Mitel Phones – Mandatory 10-digit dialing
With our Mitel phone system when calling a non-District phone number using a Mitel desktop phone users are now required to first dial 9 (to get an outside line), then 1+Area Code+Phone number when making calls anywhere in the USA, this includes FAX lines, call forwarding, speed dials, etc. Example: 91xxx-xxx-xxxx On 10/24/2021 there was a Mandatory 10-digit dialing…
Moving Your Mitel Desk Phone
Please do not move your Mitel desk phone yourself. If a campus phone is moved without the knowledge of ITS, the location data provided to 911 first responders will be inaccurate, potentially resulting in a life safety issue. Reach out to ITS by opening an online support ticket, emailing helpcenter@smccd.edu, or calling the ITS Helpdesk…
Zoom FAQ: Troubleshooting Blank, Grey, or Black Screen During Video Playback While Screen Sharing
Zoom’s “Share Screen” feature is an important tool when teaching online or hybrid courses. However, when it comes to screen sharing video content, the results may not be as expected. A common problem when sharing video content, is that the video will not playback once screen sharing is turned on in Zoom. You may see…
Campus WiFi Access Instructions
This instruction will guide you through connecting to the FacStaff and SMCCCD_Public SSID WiFi networks. FacStaff Click the following link for the device you are connecting: Android iPad/iPhone Mac Devices Windows Devices Android Go to the Wi-Fi setting and click the “FacStaff” Under the “Identity”, put your username (eg. jdoe) and password. Then click “CA…
How to Remove Your Email Account
iOS Mail App Step 1. Open the ‘Settings‘ app on your iPhone. Step 2. Scroll through the settings menu and tap on the ‘Mail‘ option. Step 3. In the mail settings, tap on the ‘Accounts‘ option. Step 4. Tap on the account you want to remove. Step 5. Tap on the ‘Delete Account‘ option to…
Resetting/Changing your Password using OneLogin
Employee Password Reset For users that have forgotten their password. Visit OneLogin, and click on the “Forgot Password” link. Enter your username (without the @smccd.edu) into the Username field and click “Continue” Select an Authentication Factor, which you may have already configured in your OneLogin Profile, and fulfill the Authentication Factor. You may choose from…