2014 3CBG/CISOA – Why Articulation Matters

Attached you will find the PowerPoint presented by Alicia Frangos, Marsha Ramezane and Renee Cowing at the 3CBG/CISOA conference held in Anaheim, CA on Feb 23th – Feb25th, 2114. This presentation is the story of using technology and collaboration to create a service that effectively supports students as they work to explore and achieve their educational goals.

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2014 3CBG/CISOA – Degree Works Reporting Presentation

The following document was presented by Edgar Coronel and Sandra Mendez at the 2014 CISOA/3CBG conference that was held at Anaheim, CA from Feb 23th -Feb 25th, 2014. The purpose of the session was to discuss how the San Mateo Community College District is using the wealth of information provided by Degree Works to communicate progress and to improve services to students.

For information contact Edgar Coronel

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